Monday, May 26, 2008

Look what else your dog can join in!!!!

Good day to you all. I have been doing my homework and I have found more for our canines to do. I have a few more training sessions you can join in and there is also a play day at Traveling Tails Inn where you can drop your dog off and they can play with their friends for hours and just be dogs.
Traveling Tails Inn
2764 Route 66 Business Park Drive
Edwardsville IL 62025
618 659 2366
Cindy and Chris (owners) run a lovely business that caters to your best friends.
NO kennels for your dogs!!!! They get to run free and be part of the family. They will asses your canine and welcome you in if your dog is of the friendly nature.
It is a care free environment and well supervised at all times.
Feel free to stop in and see the girls and their operation.
Leave your address and number and let them know I sent you.. You never know when I will put a free training session on that you will want to attend.
They also provide overnight stays and grooming and agility training.
I am now the trainer for the facility so we will be putting together training classes to fit your needs.
I am not the agility trainer, I am the obedience and behavioral trainer.
For anyone that knows me "Sully" I will work with what ever problem your canine is having? I also run canine training classes at the Fort Russell Veterinary Service.
Between the two locations there will be something for everyones furry friend.
If your dog is having trouble being social, please contact me and I will put your dog in a class that will work on his social skills. My track record so far has been quite good at creating dogs who want to be friendly but haven't figured out how!!!
Hug your dogs for me and remember... you can train your dog while watching TV or doing the dishes. Join up for classes and learn to be your dogs leader and friend. Life is soooooo much better with a canine that has manners.
If you want your dog to have the freedom to go places with you and join in fun activities, simply get them trained.
Only well trained dogs are aloud the freedom they deserve.
Freedom comes with rules and good behavior!!!
Let's get together and create a canine you will enjoy having around for many years to come.
Trainer and friend,

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sully's leash law!!!!

Your goal...
Have your dog listen without a leash on.
How to attain this goal?
Keep a leash on while dog is in your presence.
Confused???? Not to worry.. I will help you...

The reason for the leash being on while you and your dog are together is so you can correct for unwanted behavior without having to put your hands on your dog. Once you touch your dog or physically remove them from something with your hands, your dog will enjoy being touched so much that he will continue to do what he did in the first place that got him touched. Are you with me now?
Keep a leash attached to the collar. If the dog is on the couch, walk to the end of the leash and grab hold of it.
Command (say) "OFF". If your dog doesn't move, then pop the leash in a forward motion directing your dog to the floor and once your dog is on the floor,ONLY then do you put your hand on him in a petting way and say "thank you".
The more you touch your dog and talk to him, blah blah blah, the less they will listen or understand what it is you want from them.
"Say what you mean and mean what you say" and your dog will understand what is expected of them.
There are no reasons to smack at your dog or drag them around. This is rude and unkind. Once you learn to use the leash for corrections your hands become your dogs best friend. Using the leash while training or asking something of your dog will allow you to have control over most situations.
With out the leash, your dog can run from you and this is soooo bad. This habit leads to dogs running from you when they have something they are not supposed too. This trains your dog to run away from you when you call him to you. Without the leash on they are free to do as they please, and this could cost them their life!!!
The leash can be on in the house and in the yard...
Do not leave the leash on if you can not be with your dog. This is a training tool only.
Hope this helps you out with some of the problems you might be having?
If you need more help, get back to class....
Trainer and friend, Sully.